.. _editing: Editing a Mapfile ================= This page gives an overview of how a Mapfile that has been :ref:`transformed ` into a mappyfile Python dictionary can be edited. Example of using mappyfile and MapServer Python MapScript are provided side-by-side. Converting from MapScript ------------------------- This section has some side-by-side examples of Python MapScript code, and its mappyfile equivalent. The simple examples have little difference between them. The power of mappyfile becomes more apparent with the more complicated Mapfile manipulations. As mappyfile is simply working with text, you don't have to worry that paths referenced in the Mapfile exist on the local machine. This is particularly useful when updating an existing local Mapfile to deploy on a production server. Updating a Metadata Value +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Note some of the Python MapScript API has been modified since v7.2 to better match and work with mappyfile. .. code-block:: python # mapscript - standard MapScript API mymap.setMetaData("ows_title", "My WMS Map") # mapscript - new hash table API - added as a convenience # to the Python MapScript bindings only mymap["metadata"]["ows_title"] = "My WMS Map" # mappyfile mymap["metadata"]["ows_title"] = "My WMS Map" Changing the Error Log Location +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. code-block:: python # mapscript # the next line throws an error unless it is set to a file/location that exists mymap.setConfigOption("MS_ERRORFILE", error_log) mymap.debug = debug_level # set debug level # mappyfile mymap["config"]["ms_errorfile"] = error_log mymap["debug"] = debug_level Updating a Validation Setting +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. code-block:: python # mapscript if l.validation.get('MYPARAMETER'): l.validation.set('MYPARAMETER', filter) # mappyfile if "MYPARAMETER" in l["validation"]: l["validation"]["MYPARAMETER"] = filter Replacing Classes in a Layer ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MapScript (using ``fromstring``): .. code-block:: python # define class strings c1 = """ CLASS NAME 'The World' STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 END END""" c2 = """ CLASS NAME 'Roads' STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END END""" # remove existing classes for idx in reversed(range(0, layer.numclasses)): layer.removeClass(idx) # create a new class object from the strings and add to the layer for c in classes: clsObj = mapscript.fromstring(c) layer.classes.append(clsObj) mappyfile: .. code-block:: python # define all classes in a single string classes = """ CLASS NAME 'The World' STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 END END CLASS NAME 'Roads' STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END END """ # parse the string and replace the existing classes for the layer layer["classes"] = mappyfile.loads(classes)